Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Fades out?" Probably more like stuffed and mounted

Fake Mayor Emanuel Twitter account fades out

Posted by Shia K. at 2/24/2011 10:56 AM CST on Chicago Business

@MayorEmanuel, the faux alter ego Twitter character of Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel, has gone silent after writing of being pulled into a vortex.

His tweets to some 38,000 followers ended around 8 p.m. Wednesday, with the anonymous author writing, "and now all I can hear is that music, and suddenly everything just f------ ..."

. . .

Followers are left to wonder whether the mysterious character, who has denied numerous interview requests, will ever return from the vortex—and whether the author will reveal him or herself.

The real Mr. Emanuel has promised to donate up to $5,000 to charity if the writer comes forward, "so I can pummel his phokking face in."

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