Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jon Stewart has noticed that an awful lot of Lou Dobbs viewers seem to be agreeing with Lou Dobbs lately...

Blogger is telling me the embed code is "broken." (More likely, Blogger still sucks. Not that an actual person is to blame.) So here's the link.


Meanwhile, it's a little puzzling that only an overwhelming majority -- but not a shocking majority -- of Lou Dobbs viewers agreed with Lou Dobbs last night.

Question: Top Obama administration officials over the weekend said the public government-run health-care option is not an essential part of the plan. But then other officials walked back from those trial balloons. Do you believe the public option will be killed, or is this an attempt to quiet those middle-class Americans who speaking out?

The Public Option Will Be Dropped ~ 10%
Just More Gamesmanship by the Administration ~ 90%

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