Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Whitey: Lobotomized.

Apparently a new front has been opened in the Cubs-Cards war. One where everyone loses, except the t-shirt vendors. How can we be in a recession when people buy crap like that?


k-mad said...

My general overall observation/question about game day at Wrigley is: How can so many drunk, submoronic, seemingly unemployed, seemingly devoid of life skills, people, even afford a quadruple-digit ticket to da ballgame, let alone buy the stupid t-shirt? Eighty-five percent of the people work for a phokking living...

Sarge said...

This is depressing. Have these people realized that we moved passed this shit like oh I don't know - sometime in the mid 1960s?

I mean - the "we" who represent the non-Glen Beck supporting segment of the population.

Wait a minute...