Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Umm...no thank you please.

From the New York Times:

Mrs. Clinton is glowing: “For everyone in America who has been counted out but refused to be knocked out, and for everyone who has stumbled but stood right back up and for everyone who works hard and never gives up, this one is for you!..."

Shut up.

This is so fucking condescending it makes me want to spit hairballs at her. Her story's about as dramatic as a Ford commercial.

Why does Ohio always, always, always fuck up?

The idea I would have to vote for her for the sake of the Supreme Court pains me. Deeply.


Anonymous said...

Oh Oh Oh way to go Ohio

Fungster said...

Dude, Ohio sucks. And you know Ohio sucks. How do I know you know? You've almost moved to a thousand different places over the past decade. None of them have been in Ohio. None. And how 'bout the state, nay the county you're in now? They voted for her too? She gets a pass because she represents them? They don't get that she moved there just to run for office just because it was easier to get in there than in Arkansas?

Oh yes, and didn't Ohio give us da elf? Nuff sed.