Friday, February 22, 2008

Smiff has been busy...

Triplets born to teenager - again
By Daniel Schweimler BBC News, Buenos Aires

A 16-year-old Argentine girl has given birth to female triplets - for the second time.

The girl, named only as Pamela, had her first set of female triplets aged 15, having first given birth to a son when she was just 14.

All seven children were born prematurely but without any kind of fertility treatment.

While doctors say the three newborns and their mother are well, the case has sparked debate across Argentina.

In bars and cafes, as well as the letters pages of newspapers, there has been widespread criticism of Pamela's alleged promiscuity.

Seeking more
Pamela's family already receives help from the provincial authorities, which donated land and built them a house when the first set of triplets was born.

Pamela's mother, who cleans houses to support her daughter and rapidly increasing number of grandchildren, says they will now seek more assistance from the government for the new additions to the family.

Some Argentines are arguing that perhaps what Pamela needs is more advice on contraception.

The teenager, who will be 17 on Monday, comes from the remote town of Leones in the central Argentine province of Cordoba.


Smiff said...

Me? I wish (though i am potent). I believe Decker is the one getting all the action? Plus, i think he knows how to say "will you love me long time" in Portuguese.

Fungster said...

They speak Espanish in Argentina. Clearly, you're American...

Corms said...

Uh, they don't spead Portugese in Argentina, but I get how it's easy to confuse those darky lands.

Smiff said...

Weren't we in Brazil? I need more coffee...

Smiff said...

And i believe it was our president man-child that said during a trip to Brazil, "You have blacks here, too?"

Fungster said...

See how he turned it around and made it Dumbya's fault? That don't work here - dis is a no spin zone...

Ranger said...

Is she hot?